Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Dear Nighttime-

You come way too early. I have way too many things to do and now you're here and I have to sleep or I will never get up for work in the morning. By the time I work all day long, then come home and teach. I don't have time to do all of the other things I need to do:

spend time with son
spend time with honey
exercise daily
read scriptures
watch Stargate
clean the house
plant a garden - except I don't have a yard
clean the house
read a good book
clean the house
write longer blog posts
clean the house

Did I mention clean the house. I never want my dear wife to feel like she has to clean the whole thing herself. Afterall, I make half the mess. Well actually, the son make about 70% of the mess and us the rest. I never knew that kids went through so many clothes. But I love him. Well, I can only do what I have time to do. So I better get to sleep so I can get as much done as possible tomorrow.

Best Regards,


What is your favorite type of food?


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