Thursday, April 9, 2009


Dear Blog-

I'm posting my 30th letter. This has been an experience. I can't believe I have actually made it a whole month and posted something everyday. I know quite a few of my letter have been rather short, and some incomprehensible, but I did it.

The best part is how this has gotten me thinking more about things. I go through the day and think about what I can write and of different ways to approach those events. It would be really boring if I just got up and wrote a letter to my son everyday. I could do that, but sometimes other things happen and I want to write about them.

You have been viewed around 70 times in the last month and I think most of them have been from me. Well, I still haven't found a background and look that I want, so I'm planning a complete makeover. I think the background will look something like this:

I know its a little spastic, but trust me when it's all done you'll love it.

See ya tomorrow,


What is your favorite type of food?


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